A radical Celtic-Tiger era rethink to getting that first step on the property ladder.


Ireland’s Celtic Tiger era brought its own challenges for a growing population and an inflated property bubble which led to house pricing far beyond the reach of many people. The Affordable Homes Partnership was a government initiative to assist those outpriced and unable to get onto the property ladder.

The brand marque played with the roof outline of the typical Semi-D popping up on housing estates across Ireland, while straightforward language, simple typography and grids across a variety of media and uses created a clean brand for the general public.

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The face of 21st century Ireland reflects a multicultural diaspora making Europe’s north western island their home.


A thorough suite of public information guidebooks, leaflets and other print material was designed and produced in English, Irish, Polish, Lithuanian and Chinese to assist the growing multilingual, international community in Ireland.  Along with photographic and colour scheme moodboards, a new key photography library was commissioned and shot.

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